Original article | Innovational Research in ELT 2021, Vol. 2(1) 21-30
Melih Kırcalı
pp. 21 - 30 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/irelt.2020.347.3 | Manu. Number: MANU-2105-06-0008.R1
Published online: June 07, 2021 | Number of Views: 271 | Number of Download: 946
The practice of critical pedagogy principles in EFL (English as a foreign language) classrooms in recent years has contributed a lot to the emergence of critical perspectives toward EFL instruction among the EFL teachers and this study has aimed to determine Turkish EFL teachers’ awareness of critical pedagogy implementation in the classrooms in Turkey. The awareness levels of 103 teachers working in Turkey has been measured by an adapted version of “Critical Language Pedagogy Questionnaire” which was developed and validated by Mahmoodarabi and Khodabakhsh (2015). The researcher has translated and adapted the questionnaire into Turkish, calculated the internal reliability of it using Cronbach's alpha coefficiency, and found it as a reliable instrument (17 items; α = .91). The factor analysis of the adapted version has also been conducted and three-factor solution has been recommended for the questionnaire. The findings of the study have revealed that Turkish EFL teachers are to some extent aware of how critical pedagogy principles can be implemented in EFL classrooms in Turkey. Also, a statistically significant difference between the participants holding MA degrees and BA degrees has been found when a series of Mann-Whitney U tests has been conducted for each sub-scale. On the other hand, no significant difference has been found between the self-reported scores of males and females according to the Mann-Whitney U test results.
Keywords: EFL, critical pedagogy, awareness, graduation degree
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References |
Aliakbari, M., & Allahmoradi, N. (2012). On Iranian school teachers' perceptions of theprinciples of critical pedagogy. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 4(1),154-171. |