Research article    |    Open Access
Innovational Research in ELT 2021, Vol. 2(1) 31-43

Native and Non-native EFL Teachers' Burnout: No Isolation but Cooperation

Simge Sübaşı

pp. 31 - 43   |  DOI:

Publish Date: June 07, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 132/874   |   Single/Total Download: 192/2.118


The aim of this study is twofold: to investigate the burnout levels of native and non-native ELT teachers, and to account for the reasons behind the most stressful aspects of being an ELT teacher in an EFL context.

Employing a mixed method design method, 30 ELT teachers are divided into two groups;15 native and 15 non-native. The data is collected using the Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey online to find out the burnout levels within the three components- emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalisation (DP) and reduced personal accomplishment (RPA), and the levels of the two groups are compared to find out whether there is any difference. The procedure also includes online interview to find out the reasons for burnout. The findings revealed that there is a difference between the two groups; where there is ‘low' burnout level of non-native teachers, the scoring indicated a ‘high' level for native teachers. Content analysis of online interview data indicated hardness of contextual patterns, which are working, interaction and EFL teaching; in contrast, the analysis of non-native teachers' data indicated positive consideration of EFL teaching and having an increasing interest in post-graduate degrees in education. Implications are discussed, one of which might be the same as what the title of this research study says: no isolation, but co-operation with the two.

Keywords: Native EFL teachers, non-native EFL teachers, emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, reduced personal accomplishment

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Subasi, S. (2021). Native and Non-native EFL Teachers’ Burnout: No Isolation but Cooperation. Innovational Research in ELT, 2(1), 31-43.

Subasi, S. (2021). Native and Non-native EFL Teachers’ Burnout: No Isolation but Cooperation. Innovational Research in ELT, 2(1), pp. 31-43.

Chicago 16th edition
Subasi, Simge (2021). "Native and Non-native EFL Teachers’ Burnout: No Isolation but Cooperation". Innovational Research in ELT 2 (1):31-43.


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