Research article | Open Access
Innovational Research in ELT 2023, Vol. 4(1) 14-30
pp. 14 - 30 | DOI:
Publish Date: June 19, 2023 | Single/Total View: 163/904 | Single/Total Download: 334/1.432
A logic model can be used to present, understand, and evaluate the planned work and intended results of a program or a course. Using the logic model as a tool, this study explored the outcomes and activities of a writing course in English for General Purposes (EGP) context at the tertiary level in Türkiye to clarify the links and potential gaps between course outcomes and activities. To this end, developing a study-specific logic model the study utilized a qualitative research design based on the data obtained through one-on-one and focus group interviews with the voluntary participation of ten students and two English language instructors. Based on the analysis of the interview data, two logic models were developed reporting a number of course outcomes and activities with regards to the English Writing course offered at the tertiary level. Of these, 6 outcomes using linking words appropriately; enriching vocabulary; planning an outline; organizing ideas; achieving unity and coherence; writing different types of paragraphs and 5 related activities writing model essays; analyzing sample texts; making presentations; having weekly assignments; writing a review of a book were found to be the same on both models. The differences detected in the logic models, on the other hand, indicate a need to develop a comprehensive course content, in which specific outcomes and their links to the activities are more clarified.
Keywords: Writing in English, program evaluation, logic model
APA 7th edition
Kocer, P., & Topkaya, E.Z. (2023). Evaluating an English Language Writing Course through Logic Model: Links between Outcomes and Activities. Innovational Research in ELT, 4(1), 14-30.
Kocer, P. and Topkaya, E. (2023). Evaluating an English Language Writing Course through Logic Model: Links between Outcomes and Activities. Innovational Research in ELT, 4(1), pp. 14-30.
Chicago 16th edition
Kocer, Pinar and Ece Zehir Topkaya (2023). "Evaluating an English Language Writing Course through Logic Model: Links between Outcomes and Activities". Innovational Research in ELT 4 (1):14-30.
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