Issue Information Issue Information
Dr. Bora Demir pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Pre-service English language teachers’ reflective thinking tendencies and their attitudes towards teaching profession
İrem Gürbüz pp. 1 - 9 | DOI: Abstract As reflective thinking is regarded as a mental and affective process, reflective practices and tendencies toward it may have an impact on teacher candidates’ mental and emotional attitudes towards the teaching profession during their teaching-learning processes. Therefore, this present study firstly aims to analyze pre-service teachers’ reflective thinking tendencies and attitudes toward teaching profession, and then the relationship between these variables. The study was conducted in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University with English Language Teaching Department 3rd and 4th grade pre-service teachers during the 2018-2019 fall term. In accordance with the aim and research questions of study, the research study was designed as non-experimental with single and correlational scanning models. In this respect, data were collected through both “reflective thinking tendencies scale” and “attitudes towards teaching profession scale.” For the analysis of the data, descriptive and correlational statistics were used, and results showed that there is a significant correlation between reflective thinking tendencies and attitudes towards teaching profession of participants. Also, gender is not a determinant for reflective thinking tendency; however, female pre-service teachers are more positive attitudes towards teaching profession than male counterparts. Keywords: Attitude, pre-service teacher, reflective thinking, reflective thinking tendency, teaching profession | |
Original Articles Using flipped classroom model for developing speaking skills: An integrative review research
Necati Sönmez pp. 10 - 20 | DOI: Abstract This integrative review research’s aim is to compare the eight studies that explore the effects of flipped classroom model on developing the speaking skills of the students. In order to analyze the data, this integrative research adapts an inductive content analysis approach because the data gathered from each of the articles are described through tables by grouping the data through themes and categories. Students’ attitudes towards the flipped classroom model and positive and negative effects of the flipped classroom model and its strengths and weaknesses in terms of developing speaking skills are explored in this study because the research questions are centered on these issues. The results show that the flipped classroom model enhances the speaking skills of the students because it provides an environment for the students to become confident and autonomous in their own language learning and they are exposed to language both inside and outside of the classroom. However, flipped classroom’s negative impacts are expressed in several studies. Some of the negative impacts are related to the long learning process and affective factors. Although there are both negative and positive effects of flipped classroom model on the development of speaking skills, nearly all of the studies indicate that it provides a meaningful, collaborative and active learning environment where students can engage with one another and speak English all the time by engaging in meaningful activities through collaboration. Keywords: Flipped classroom model, speaking skills, collaborative learning, integrative review research. | |
Original Articles Gender stereotyping: beliefs and practices of Turkish EFL instructors at a non-profit university
Gizem Arslan pp. 21 - 33 | DOI: Abstract The study investigates the beliefs of instructors working in a school of foreign languages of a non-profit university in Turkey towards gender stereotyping, how often they encounter gender-biased behaviours among students and their perception of gender stereotypical practices in the classroom. Data from a questionnaire of 54 teachers were analysed through SPSS. The results reveal that the majority of the participants disagree with stereotyped beliefs. Almost all of them encounter gender-biased behaviours in class and they put gender equitable language into practice. Keywords: EFL instructors, gender stereotyping, instructor beliefs on gender stereotyping | |
Original Articles A comparative study on the perceptions of EFL teachers on the use of mother tongue
Sibel Can Acar pp. 34 - 44 | DOI: Abstract The use of mother tongue in the L2 classroom is a controversial issue in the field of ELT. Therefore, the present study investigated the perceptions of four ELT teachers working at different private institutions on the use of mother tongue in the L2 classroom. The semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather the data. The gathered data, which were coded and labelled, were used to explore the perceptions of the teachers and the effect of school policy on the teachers and students’ feeling. The findings of the study revealed that EFL teachers have positive perceptions of using mother tongue if it is used in a limited and purposeful way. In addition, the results indicated that the English only policy has a negative impact on teachers. Yet, even if it is allowed to use L1 in the L2 classroom, EFL teachers suffer remorse. As for students, they feel comfortable and safe according to the teachers’ observation. Keywords: L1, L2, perceptions, mother tongue, language teaching, EFL teachers, L2 classroom, code switching | |
Original Articles Master students’ voices about post-method pedagogy
Burçin Baytur pp. 45 - 53 | DOI: Abstract Post method pedagogy can be regarded as a good way to deal with the lacks experienced by the usage of traditional methods. It compels us to restructure our view of language teaching both in pedagogical and ideological aspects. It requires that teachers should consider the essential components of post method pedagogy. As Kumaravadivelu (2006) forwarded, post-method pedagogy can be visualized as three-dimensional system consisting of three pedagogic parameters: particularity, practicality and possibility. This study aims to explore if English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, who are also Master of Arts (MA) students, have knowledge on Post-Method Pedagogy; to learn about their attitudes, beliefs and preferences towards it and to examine whether there was a probable relationship between these practising teachers’ attitudes and reflections on their classroom applications or not. To do this, 9 active EFL teachers pursuing their MA degrees at a Turkish state university, Institute of Educational Sciences, in English Language Education Master’s Programme were administered a survey. Findings indicate that the participants have knowledge of the post-method pedagogy and most of them have positive attitudes about the classroom practices regarding implementation of strategies and parameters. Participants’ responses indicated “particularity” as the most important parameter. In terms of the 10 macro-strategies, the participants gave the highest importance to the strategy of “raise cultural awareness”, while they reported to employ “activate intuitive heuristics” as the least. Keywords: Macro strategies, particularity, pedagogic parameters, post-method pedagogy |