Original article    |    Open Access
Innovational Research in ELT 2024, Vol. 5(1) 1-19

Washback Effect of a National English Language Teacher Field Knowledge Test for Teacher Recruitment in Türkiye: A Scale Development Study

Demet Ünal Aydın & Sevgi Şahin

pp. 1 - 19   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/irelt.2024.1045.1

Publish Date: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 407  |  Number of Download: 443


This study investigates Turkish pre-service EFL teachers' awareness and perception of a high-stakes test, a national English Language Teacher Field Knowledge Test (TFKT) for EFL teacher recruitment in Türkiye. It also seeks to examine the washback effect of TFKT on pre-service EFL teachers’ professional development and EFL teacher education programs. To this end, after a thorough literature analysis, researchers created and validated a new scale. Data were obtained from pre-service EFL teachers who were preparing for TFKT in two phases. First, data were collected from 195 participants for the pilot study, and the scale's reliability and validiy were tested by Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis. After the necessary revisions, the scale was administered to another group of informants (n.300), and the reliability was checked a second time. The findings emphasized the scale was indeed reliable and valid, preparing the groundwork for further research. As a result, this research provides a reliable assessment tool for evaluating the impact of TFKT on pre-service EFL teachers and EFL teacher education. The established scale shows potential for guiding educational policies and practices, guaranteeing the ongoing enhancement of EFL teacher education programs.

Keywords: EFL teacher education, Teacher Field Knowledge Test, Washback Effect, High-Stakes Tests, Scale Development, Language Assessment, Pre-service EFL Teachers

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APA 7th edition
Aydin, D.U., & Sahin, S. (2024). Washback Effect of a National English Language Teacher Field Knowledge Test for Teacher Recruitment in Türkiye: A Scale Development Study. Innovational Research in ELT, 5(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.29329/irelt.2024.1045.1

Aydin, D. and Sahin, S. (2024). Washback Effect of a National English Language Teacher Field Knowledge Test for Teacher Recruitment in Türkiye: A Scale Development Study. Innovational Research in ELT, 5(1), pp. 1-19.

Chicago 16th edition
Aydin, Demet Unal and Sevgi Sahin (2024). "Washback Effect of a National English Language Teacher Field Knowledge Test for Teacher Recruitment in Türkiye: A Scale Development Study". Innovational Research in ELT 5 (1):1-19. https://doi.org/10.29329/irelt.2024.1045.1


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